- Ready to reach out to your local schools? You could start with this sample Letter to the Principal.
- Are you wondering what position the UMC takes regarding public education? That topic is addressed throughout the Social Principles, and most directly in the section regarding The Political Community under “Education.”
- For more UMC-oriented ideas and thoughts on the subject, check out this page of the UMC website titled “Education and Schools,” or this page from the Book of Resolutions.
- Are you looking for ways to motivate your congregation to get involved? You can learn more about the Literacy Scores in your area at The Bridge, a nonpartisan, nonprofit news source for Michigan. Check out this Detroit News article to see how Michigan’s educational achievements compare in the nation and around the world.
- Worried about violating the separation of church and state doctrine? This Ministry-to-Children website has some ideas to ponder.
Planning your children/youth ministry year? Sit down with colleagues in the conference and hammer it out together in this five-hour workshop on July 31!