Category: Clergy
Building On A Legacy

“The Word became flesh…and moved into the neighborhood.” John 1:14 (The… Continue Reading Building On A Legacy
Mid-Michigan District Office

Please know that you are surrounded in prayer as you lead in this highly unusual season. You have our immense gratitude for adapting to the daily shifts caused by the corona virus pandemic. There are some helpful tools that you have undoubtedly already accessed and have shared with others. Here are a few that we… Continue Reading Mid-Michigan District Office
The Lens – December 2019

The Lens December 2019 The Journey Continues: An Invitation to Calm in Advent When I was pastoring local churches, I always looked forward to the season of Advent. While it meant more work for me and those involved on the worship team, it also provided a deep sense of tradition, reflection and gentle… Continue Reading The Lens – December 2019
Tool Box August 2019

Youth Ministry Planning Tools Planning tips and resources recommended by Bridget Nelson, Youth Ministry Initiatives Coordinator for The Michigan Conference. YOUTH MINISTRY: Getting ready for Fall As the fall approaches, now is the time to get your church events onto family calendars! Whatever your schedule is for youth ministry (weekly, monthly, etc), get that information… Continue Reading Tool Box August 2019
Toolbox – June-July 2019

Toolbox Ready to reach out to your local schools? You could start with this sample Letter to the Principal. Are you wondering what position the UMC takes regarding public education? That topic is addressed throughout the Social Principles, and most directly in the section regarding The Political Community under “Education.” For more UMC-oriented ideas and… Continue Reading Toolbox – June-July 2019
Toolbox – May 2019

Resources for World Refugee Awareness Plan a Refugee Awareness Sunday Using special liturgy, scripture, music, and stories. Theology and scripture support from the UMC Migration Sunday Resources (1st Sunday in Advent) can also be helpful: Refugee Sunday Worship resources from the Minnesota Council of Churches Scripture on welcoming the stranger: Prayers… Continue Reading Toolbox – May 2019
Q&A All About Protection/Safe Sanctuary Policy

Q&A All about Protection/Safe Sanctuary Policy by: Rev. Kathy Pittenger, Children’s Initiatives Coordinator, Michigan Conference What is a protection/safe sanctuary policy? A Protection Policy (known by lots of names, for this conversation I will refer to it as a Protection Policy, or PP) is a document local churches adopt, implement, and follow through to protect… Continue Reading Q&A All About Protection/Safe Sanctuary Policy
Toolbox: Starter Kit

Toolbox: Your very own starter kit! NEW! The Michigan Conference has recently completed a sample protection policy for local churches. Start with the template and adapt it. You will want to consult your insurance company and attorney to make sure it’s complete and adequate, but creating the policy has never been easier. It also lists… Continue Reading Toolbox: Starter Kit
Our new home!

Jerry DeVine welcomes you to the new website “The Word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood.” (John 1:14a, The Message) This is a soft launch of our new Mid-Michigan District website. Our full district communications team is not yet on board, but on behalf of the district office and Vision Team I want to… Continue Reading Our new home!
Clergy Praxis

For clergy in the Mid-Michigan District, the goal of excellence and professional growth is not just talked about or wished for, but is actively sought out and expected. One of the ways in which this goal is achieved is through the intentional continuing education of all district clergy through quarterly programs called, “Clergy Praxis.” As… Continue Reading Clergy Praxis